Thursday, January 29, 2009

the afterglow is gone...

i'm not sure whether to laugh..., or to cry...laughing over the audacity of a brewing situation in the Buckeye state.

After suspension for nodding at Obama, drum major quits

(CNN) -- An Ohio man who was suspended as the drum major of a band for giving President Obama a nod during last week's inaugural parade is calling it quits.
...John Coleman was seen during the nationally televised January 20 parade nodding toward the new president while marching with the band. A few steps later, he appeared to wave briefly. the band was marching past the grandstand where Obama was sitting, he made eye contact with the president.
"Contact was made with our eyes both together and he smiled and waved at the band," he told the station. "And just as a gesture, I nodded my head. I gave him a slight wave and went on."

aww, sounds romantic to me..., not cause to break up the band!
apparently, Coleman broke rank and military code by giving the new Prez a 'what's up'...
even though the bandmates had strictly forbidden any communication gestures while drumming their hearts out, the man is a fireman, not a private in the army.
i would imagine it's natural to get a little excited during such a festivity. these guys, i assume, are usually spending their days in burning buildings, and perhaps the odd kitty saving adventure in a tree.

"The 'afterglow' of participating in the inaugural parade is gone..."

i'm with you John, my afterglow has fizzled...
the drums go silent.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

the life & times of me

Tim is in his mid-20's and has a nondescript job at a huge corporation. Not much is expected of him, but he still manages to screw things up. If there's a birthday party, he gets caught not singing. If there's a presentation, he's accused of stealing someone's idea. Sometimes he's guilty but usually not, he just somehow gets into extremely awkward situations. The conflict in his life is always cranked up to 10.

This may not exactly fit me to a tee (I don't mind singing, especially after a few drinks)...but apparently it's close enough to have captured the essence of me in cartoon form.
I give you "The Life & Times of Tim".
Truth be told, I haven't actually watched an episode (HBO would mean an extra few $$'s, not on my watch)....
and yet I was compelled to YouTube a few segments after several friends broke the news...
"It's you..." & "That's exactly the shit you say..."

Now I'll admit there is somewhat of a resemblance happening...which doesn't say much for my modeling career. Another case of the average looking white dude, so easily captured in basic pencil scribble.

I will let the reader (yes all 2 of you) be the judge....

Monday, January 12, 2009

[insert caulk joke here]

even though my gf won't believe me, i stand by my claim that it was an honest mistake...
let me back up for a sec....

i'm no DIY guy, that's for sure, but when you own your own place you need to start doing little things around the house....for fear of living in a shit hole (or the fear of a less-than pleased roomie).
so, one of those little projects just happens to be sealing a tub...
a very exciting activity i might add.
as such, there is a certain product out there meant for that job.
next stop: home hardware.
what transpired next.... pure and unintentional comedic genius.

guy working in home hardeware: "can I help you?"
me: "uhh, yeah, we're looking for some caulk...."
guy working in home hardware: "you've cum to the right place..."

ok, that last line wasn't actually part of the conversation.
instead, i got a jab to the ribs and was promptly corrected in that we were looking for 'caulking' not 'caulk'.

i personally still think that i'm right..., and that 'caulking' is the action of laying down 'caulk'....and therefore you'd still need to find 'caulk' first.
speaking of laying down caulk....
[jab to ribs, cpu unexpectedly shutdown.....]

A similar honest mistake... :)
(sorry for the commercial, clip wasn't on the 'Tube)

Friday, January 9, 2009

check yourself before you wreck yourself...

...and your vocabulary...

2 things that I am going to refrain from uttering in 2009:

1) you know
do me a favour, the next time you're listening intently to someone speak, count in your head how many times he or she throws in 'you know' as a way to get from one sentence to another...
you know?
even while I type this, I've counted Kate Winslet throwing this down 3 times on Letterman.
have fun with it, try not to let it drive you batty...
*footnote: it is still acceptable to use 'you know' when combined with "what i'm sayin'"

2) it is what it is
i actually used to really like this one..., almost up there with 'jump the shark'.
but really, think about it...
it is the most meaningless shit you could spew out of your mouth.
it's simply an excuse of a phrase when you can't think of anything else to say.
you may as well just shrug your shoulders and throw a stupid ass smirk on your face.
just like this guy...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

what do you get....

....when you mix a Newfie, a drive-thru, and a coffee?
apparently the double double apocalypse...

too many cars are waiting in drive thru lines, which is forcing cars....wait for it...onto the streets to wait for their coffee!!
only us Canadians can get so worked up over a little 10-car traffic jam.
i must admit i read the headline and figured there was something significantly wrong happening at Timmy Ho's....
the mayor of St.John's, Dennis O'Keefe, indeed feels that there is....
he has just helped pass legislature outlawing any further drive-thru establishments until this critical problem has been resolved.

"We have had incidents where fender benders have resulted," O'Keefe said in an interview Tuesday. "Inevitably . . . something tragic is going to happen if it's allowed to continue."

when asked to comment on the new city-wide drive thru ban, Ronald McDonald had a message for Mayor O'Keefe: "I think Suge Knight said it dead, bitch".

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Worst headine of 2009

it's early, but this may have legs for the next 360....

Israel rejects calls for ceasefire
--Won't stop until peace achieved

Saturday, January 3, 2009