Friday, June 24, 2011

Hotseat in the Frontseat

where is the craziest place you've ever…, you know…., had interview?
1 month in, working in Hong Kong continues to amaze me at times.
case in point - I believe my boss and I inadvertently created Asia's hottest new reality game show - 'Hotseat in the Frontseat'.

here's how it works:
first, we meet Mario, a potential new hire, in a remote location in Hong Kong.
after shaking hands, we immediately explain that we have another meeting starting in 30 mins across town.
as a result, we flag a taxi, new recruit Mario in the front seat, management in the back, and Hotseat in the Frontseat begins.

the meter's running, the sweat is dripping, the questions are flying.
does Mario have what it takes to impress the brass before the taxi pulls up to curb? it's close…, but a last second internet buzz word proves to be the difference maker. round 1 over.

bonus round!
the candidate gets invited to continue his grill over some grill, a quick set lunch…
be conservative with your order, Mario!.
chew, question, chew, blackberry.
this could go either way.

if he doesn't make the cut, we thank Mario for his time and look up for a second before ducking down into the blackberry.
however, if he's made it, we thank him for his time, ask him to go to the ferry to purchase Macau-crossing tickets for us, before ducking down into the blackberry.
you could cut this tension with a butter knife…which just so happens to be in front of me, with a basket of finely baked breads.
deliciously delirious, Hotseat in the Frontseat. catch it.