Thursday, October 6, 2011


rest in peace, Steve.
i'll keep this brief, as the tribute is a bit unintentional, but certainly necessary.
i can't begin to compare my experience with the man & brand that a life long Jobs/Mac groupie can. that said, from the days in Amsterdam with my 2nd-gen iPod to the MacBook Pro being used to scribe this in HK, my journey around the World continues to be enhanced in the company of i.
many people have shared their thoughts on the passing; his life, his legacy.
a friend had this sobering take -

Steve jobs actually had all the money in the world. Shows how valuable health is.” #rememberwhatsimportant

the rest of this post may seem trivial in light of this. yet so many of you have been waiting for days to hear about my softball debut. and there is your subtle segue.

one word can describe my take on the first game of the season - intense. these guys are definitely not your typical weekend warriors. grown men, in full baseball gear, staring me down, trying to get a feel whether this rook has what it takes. a little on edge, i got the feeling that i was still on tryout as i stepped up to the plate in the 1st.
batting second, i quickly proceeded to fly out to centre.
get those nerves out early, kid.
next appearance, considerably better, as i stroked a double into the gap. all in, 1 for 3 on the day, with a walk. our team fared just about as well, getting thrashed 15-3 when it was all said and done. no matter, we'll get 'em next time.
hands-in, boys.
'1-2-3, Doghouse!'
and of course, it wouldn't be baseball without a beer & a dog at the ballpark. play hard, eat hard.
a league website, including player stats, just so happens to exist. once i get into my groove, i may share with my fanclub.

in closing, Japan is on the horizon - and that's your guarantee that the next post will be more inspirational than me sporting cleats and throwing down a wiener. i will say this though - from what i've been told, Tokyo is a city like no other, and i'm excited to share my experience of this metropolis with you all. with that in mind, i decided to partake in a quick social experiment. a message was sent, to a select group of people, to inquire whether they had been to Tokyo. simple question - "have you been to Tokyo?" and if so, "could you share with me as a list of 'musts'". easy, i reckoned. however, like my batting average, my 'friends' whiffed on me - 3 for 15. 3 people, out of 15, actually responded.
12 of you just cost yourselves a postcard. it's called tough love.

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